Eve-The Seductive Temptress
Oh, the metaphor of the evil, seductress! What we have here is is religious reference to the book of Genesis in which the apple represents the fall of man into evil; which would have never happened if it would not have been for Eve; that damn woman. The red although is the natural color of the apple is extremely temping and sexually implicit when paired with her. Everything about her expression is inviting or seductive. The wicker chair in which she sits creates a sort of halo
around her head. I read this as a metaphor for her innocence just before they take the regretful bite. What I have to address in this interpretation of Eve is that I have never seen her portrayed as a Native or 'ethnic' woman. I have two reactions to this: one, the artist is Native or 'ethnic' and a religious man/woman that wants simply to include his/her race in a historic fashion or challenge the currently accepted Eve; and the other, the artist who decided to consciously represent this temptress that cost us all our innocence as pagan. I understand that this is a harsh assumption, but I have to reiterate the fact that women of color are never representative of Eve; in my experience. Her eyeliner gives an 'eastern' look to her as I have to point out Native Americans did not wear make up in this fashion. This supports the idea for me that this woman is to represent an ungodly way of life; pagan. Personally I enjoy a woman of color playing historic roles. These are other images made by this photographer, I challenge you reader to visit this website and compare the images you see for yourself and decide what intention this artist had when creating this image of Eve using this woman and futher identify why. Its obvious that Oya is going to be a black woman, I only included this image because I interpret it as dangerous and intimidating where as Oya in other imagery has been portrayed a in a more subtle manner. I am just curious of others opinion...Oya could have easily been placed in the clouds like this other image because she is a referance to weather... just notice these choices and how they effect others in their acceptance of truth. (http://www.stevesphotosmythology.com/images/)
The title of the photo of lady with an apple is called mixed metaphors- which I think answers your question: she has "eastern" looking eyeline on because she represents Cleopatra, a woman who was legendary for the numbers of lovers she had in her lifetime-- the ultimate symbol of sexuality. I agree with what you said about the wicker chair representing a halo-- I do think it represents her holy innocence in terms of the biblical Eve before she bit the apple. I think combining connotations for Eve and Cleopatra in the same image is meant to get us to think about how women's sexuality is treated in our culture, like how many people think that unmarried women are either virgins or whores. This photo could be saying that most women are not one or the other.